
Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2014

Happy Birthday my bestie ! 

Today is the birthday of the most adorable and wonderful girl in my life. My best friend Ha Phuong alias Hafo. 
I wish you a wonderful ,happy birthday, I hope you'll reach in your life everything what you want to. I wish you a lot of success in life. 
Hafo ? 
The love I feel for our friendship ,words can not describe, since 7th grade I have known you. 5 years of friendship and we never had a fight. That's why I love you. With you I had always fun never drama .. we laughed a lot , since day 1 I saw you as a special person in my life and still you are and you'll always be. For the past 5 years I was always there when it was your birthday. Now I can just give you a call ,that's  the nearest I can be to you. I miss you a lot. I wish I would be there for your birthday. But never mind , on your 18th birthday we'll celebrate it a double time better. But anyways enjoy your day, it's your day ! 
Happy birthday my love <3 I love you to Germany and back :** 

Loads of Love

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