
Samstag, 11. Juli 2015

2 months after being "home" 

I didn't blog for a while ..well really long time now. I don't even know why. But in this time I came back home ,to Germany. Well it doesn't feel home anymore , I really miss my American family and lifestyle ,wanna go back so badly but still  have to get through this in Germany.
It is hard to change everything back to normality after you get back to your country. It is hard to see everybody you lived and grew up together ..cause things just have changed.. You don't feel the same anymore for that person as it is for family as for friends. You see the world in an other perspective ...
In a perspective where everything is doable and possible.
Yes that is the position where I am right now, I wanna do that what I love ,no matter who is talking negatively about it.
I wanna live life the freaking way I want it.
Still fighting for my dreams ,like I did for my AMERICAN DREAM.
That dream came through ..And all my others will.

xxx Niera

"Smile everyday ,your smile could be someones better day" - Niera 


Montag, 23. Februar 2015

18th birthday pre-excitement

So I've been waiting for this day to come for years. It's a big day for every teenager , to finally turn 18. I have the special gift ,to be in America in this time to explore and celebrate my birthday with my friends here ,even though I miss my friends back home and my parents badly ,this is a good start for me into my almost-adult life. I'm starting it independent and with new people. Of Course there's going to be a come-back-birthday party in Germany. But till that day it's a wonderful way to go. Here in America.
thank you for always looking up my blog even though I don't post anything. 
Loads of love 
Niera ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015

On step closer to my dream ...

                                                              be a fashion designer 

This is a voting competition ,for a two-week paid internship with Fame & Partners and ASOS in NYC. I would love to be there ,this brings me one step closer to my dream. Please share and vote for me , I would love your support. I will pray for it.
Hope I'll get all your support !

Lots of love Niera

                                          Click and vote here 

Dienstag, 13. Januar 2015

New year , 2nd Semester ,new classes

 Well , couple of days passed already since school started in 2015. It's been a good start into this semester , after I have chosen my new classes wisely after my interests and where I actual want to be in future , it is a lot more different. I'm not bored anymore in class , it's everyday something new I learn and I'm so excited each day to go back to school and learn something about it. So I don't want to make it more suspensions, so I'm gonna tell you all which classes I have now:) I took three fashion and design classes , yes it is insane for Germans to have other classes than the required classes. In Germany the schools don't even offer classes like that ,beyond that I also explored that they have several classes where you actually can improve your skills in stuff where your passion is. Like photography , computer skills etc.I took this advantage that I can experience it here and seriously I'm learning stuff with fun ! I'm looking forward to all my classes I'm also taking german just to help the students in that class with their pronunciation and their grammar , and of course to tell them more about Germany :) Some pictures have been added ,there'll be more soon. Keep updated ! Hope you all doing good in this year.Loads of love ❤️ - Niera